

Contact List

Mass Schedules:

Monday-Friday: 6:30 AM • 8:00 AM
Saturday: 8:00 AM
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM • 9:30 AM
11:30 AM • 5:00 PM LIFE TEEN

Daily Mass Scripture Readings
Saint of the Day

Click here to join Christ the King Parish

Are you a returning Catholic?
Come Home to Christ the King Parish

1111 Stevens Drive
Richland, WA 99354
Phone: 509-946-1675
Fax: 509-946-9940
Emergency: 509-539-9972

Contact Us



Kids Praising God

Young children, in their own fashion, infuse us with a festive joy and praise God. The Children's Choir, also known as the Kids Praising God (KPG) Club, is open to children from 2nd-5th grades.  They rehearse weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00PM and lead the congregation in singing at one Mass every month, rotating among the different weekend Masses throughout the school year.

Contact Andrea Strong at 946-1675 or Donna Horstman at 943-6183.

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